
The garden was once a cement courtyard in a Cambridge public school building, shared by the Martin Luther King Jr. and Amigos schools. In August of 2006, construction began. The cement was lifted out with cranes, and volunteers from both schools wheelbarrowed truckloads of loam into the transforming space.

Today the garden is a vibrant outdoor classroom that directly supports teachers' curriculum. During volunteer drop-ins, students and their families share in garden maintenance, overseeing the entire growing cycle from seed to compost.

Thank you for your interest!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Volunteer Drop-In

The First Volunteer Drop-in of the spring is Thursday, May 1st, 3:00-5:00.

See you in the garden!

For Teachers

Scheduling Time with the Garden Coordinator

I'm back on the clock this week, and have already met a number of you to schedule times for your classes to come out to the garden. The following is a list of some of the jobs and activities featured in April - please let me know if you want to bring out your class to participate. And as always, feel free to contact me with ideas of your own...or even post them here on the blog.

My schedule this season is:
Mon. 7:30-3:30, Tues. 7:30-2:30, Wed. 7:30-12, Thurs. 7:30-5. Find me in the CitySprouts office (in library), in the garden, or by email: jdrench@citysprouts.org

  • Compost demonstrations
  • Planting cool-weather crops such as peas, lettuce, beets, and radish
  • Maintenance, i.e. sweeping and raking
  • Garden tours
  • Participation in the multi-lingual ABC Flower Garden
  • Plant observations/changes over time
  • Exploring for color and shapes (Pre-K/K)

Visiting the Garden on Your Own

If your class has already received a tour with Jess this year, feel free to visit the garden without the coordinator. The sign-in sheet is posted by the cafeteria door - just sign in your class as well as your activity (i.e. measuring peas; observing butterflies). Also, please take a minute to review the Garden Rules with your class, which are also posted by the cafeteria exit.